Need Legal Certificate Attestation in Pakistan? Our dedicated team is always available to fulfill all your requirements. Legal document attestations are required for different purposes like visa, immigration, and other local governmental or non-governmental processes. Our services include NADRA Birth Certificate, NADRA Marriage Certificate, Police Clearance Certificate, Medical Certificate Attestation, NADRA Divorce Certificate Attestation, NADRA Death Certificate, and NADRA Family Registration Certificate.
- Birth Certificate
NADRA Birth Certificate for Pakistan is an official record of a person’s date & place of birth issued only by the Union Council. The NADRA Birth Certificate is a legal prerequisite for legal actions in Pakistan. NADRA birth certificate is a vital requirement for immigration purposes such as attaining a green card or a visitor’s Visa, sponsoring parents, etc.
Birth Certificate Attestation Requirements:
- Original Birth Certificate
- Copy (CNIC/NICOP).
- Hospital Birth certificate Original or copy
- Copy of mother/father’s passport/CNIC, NICOP (In case of adding the mother’s name on the birth certificate).
- Marriage Certificate
Pakglobalattstation.com offers a trusted and reliable process of obtaining the NADRA Marriage Certificate with zero hassles. A marriage Certificate is to confirm the wedding contract between husband and wife.
NADRA Marriage Certificate Attestation Requirements:
• Original & Copy of Urdu Nikahnama
• Original or Copy of CNIC (Bride & Groom)
• Original or Copy of Father’s CNIC (Bride & Groom)
• Original or Copy of CNIC (Nikahkawan)
• Copies of passport (overseas Pakistanis).
- No Birth Record Certificate
No Birth Record Certificate from Pakistan is an alternate document of Birth Certificate. It is issued in rare cases where the applicant’s birth record is not available. Non Availability of Birth Certificate is also called No Record Certificate OR No Entry of Birth. Pakglobalattestation.com gets issued/attested your Non-Availability of the Birth certificate on your behalf.
Copies of the Non-Availability of Birth certificate is required for:
1. U.S.A Immigration
2. No entry for Canadian immigration.
3. Passport renewal.
4. Jobs and Employments.
Non-Availability of Birth Certificate Attestation Requirements:
- Applicant CNIC Copy.
- One Reference CNIC Copy of His/Her Elder Brother / Sister/ Cousin
- Copy of the Passport (National/Non-national)
- Death Certificate
Get your Death Certificate from Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad attested with the assistance of Pakglobalattestation.com. A death certificate is legal proof of someone’s death. It is an official document used to settle the deceased’s affairs.
Death Certificate Issuance Requirements:
1. Copy of hospital death certificate
2. Copy of graveyard slip
3. Copy of deceased CNIC
4. Copy of applicant’s CNIC (must be His/Her Blood Relative)
5. Copy of deceased’s Wife/Husband/Son/daughter
6. Copy of CNIC from any Neighbours
Death Certificate Attestation Requirements:
- Original Death Certificate
- Copy of deceased CNIC
- Copy of CNIC (Father, Mother or Wife/Husband/son/daughter).
- Copy of the hospital death certificate.
- CNIC Cancellation Certificate
Divorce Certificate
Pakglobalattestation.com assists in getting your Divorce Certificate from Karachi, Divorce Certificate from Lahore, among other cities. The NADRA divorce certificate is issued when the arbitration council has completed the proceedings of khula/talaq and both the husband and wife have attended the proceedings.
Divorce Certificate Attestation Requirements:
- Original & the Copy of the divorce certificate
- Copy of CNIC (Husband & Wife).
- Copy of Nikkahnama.
- Passport Copy of Wife or Husband (if applicable).
- Domicile/PRC Certificate
Citizens of Pakistan need to issue a domicile and PRC (Permanent Residential Certificate) for their specific city of residence for several purposes such as education, job, etc. Pakglobalattestation.com get issued yours do domicile and PRC (Permanent Residential Certificate) on your behalf.
Domicile/PRC Certificate Issuance Requirements:
• 5 photographs (passport size)
• Original & Copy of CNIC.
• Form –B (Age below 18 years)
• Copies of all educational documents(Inter/Matric Bachelors/Masters)
• Copies of CNIC & domicile of the father (for children ages below 21 years).
• Copy of service certificate (In case of Govt. employee) – Attested.
• Residence proof (electric/gas bill, if on rent copy of rent agreement) – Attested.
• CNIC copy of spouse
• Copies of birth certificates of children or Form B (For Married Women/Men) – Attested.
Domicile/PRC Certificate Attestation Requirements:
• Original & Copy of Domicile/PRC.
• Original & Copy of CNIC.
- First Class Magistrate / Justice of Peace Attestation
Need first-class magistrate attestations for visa documents OR Legal matters? Pakglobalattestion.com assists in attesting your documents from a First Class Magistrate/Justice of Peace Attestations in an expedited manner.
Documents Attested:
• Property Documents
• Affidavits
• Legal Papers
• Divorce Documents
- Gazetted Officer Attestation
Get your document attested from an authentic Gazetted Officer in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad among many cities of Pakistan. Pakglobalattestation.com gets your relevant documents attested from a gazette officer who has the position of a permanent teacher of a government college, a principal of any government school which is at least up to class 10, the principal of any degree college, registrar, and vice Chancellor of universities.
Gazetted Officer Attestations Procedure:
• Cross-match the Original/Copies of Documents.
• Document Copies Attestation.
- Bonafide Certificate
Pakglobalattestation.com successfully assists in the issuance & attestations of Bonafide university certificates. A Bonafide Certificate is a document issued as proof that you belong to a particular educational institute in Pakistan.
Bonafide University Certificate Issuance Requirements:
• Copy of CNIC
• Original and Copy of Educational Transcripts
• Original and copy of Degrees
- Police Character Certificate
Want to issue OR attest Police Character Certificate in Pakistan? The Police Character Certificate enables migration to a foreign country easily. It is a legal declaration showing the absence of criminal history in a citizen’s record.
Requirements for Police Character Certificate:
- Applicant CNIC Copy
- Utility Bill of That address Original
- Passport Copy
- Passport Size Photograph
- 2 Reference CNIC Copy With Contact Numbers
Requirements for Police Certificate Attestation
• Original & the copy of the police character certificate issued by the concerned police authorities.
• Copy of CNIC/NICOP (Attested).
• Copy of valid Pakistani Passport (Attested).
- No Marriage Certificate
Pakglobalattestation.com offers a fast and reliable process of No Marriage Certificate Attestations Bachelorhood or an Unmarried certificate is required when you wish to get married in any other country. It is called the “Single Status Certificate” Or “Unmarried Certificate” in Pakistan.
No marriage Certificate Issuance Requirements:
• Signed Affidavit declaring you unmarried (Parents/Brother).
• Copy of applicant & signing participants.
No marriage certificate Attestation Requirements:
• Original & Copy of the Unmarried Certificate.
• Copy of applicant & signing participants.
- Family Registration Certificate
Get identified by NADRA Family Registration Certificate (FRC) for Embassy use. A family Registration Certificate (FRC) is required for identification with your NADRA’s record for Embassy use and is not required for other legal purposes. A family registration certificate includes the following categories:
1. By Birth: The certificate list your family including the details of your parents and siblings.
2. By Marriage: The certificate includes family records as well as spouse & children.
3. By Adoption: The certificate includes family records as well as guardians.
Family Registration Certificate Attestations Requirements:
• Original & the copy of the certificate.
• Copy of CNIC (Every member of the family).
• Copy of B-Form (Age below 18).
- Notary Public Attestation
Pakglobalattestation.com assists in getting your documents notarized from Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad among many cities in Pakistan. A notarized document gets certified by a notary public. The notary public is the regulatory authority that verifies the identities of everybody signing the document and witnesses the signatures.
Pakglobalattestation.com notarizes the following documents:
1. Financial Documents
• Mortgage closing documents
• Property deeds
• Loan documents
• Some types of credit or loan documents
2. Legal Documents
• Wills
• Trusts
• Advanced directives
• Executor-ships
• Custody and guardianship agreements
• Power of attorney
• Court documents
3. Business Documents
• Articles of incorporation
• Memorandum of understanding documents
• Vendor contracts
• Commercial leases
• Employment contracts
• Construction and loan agreements.